Memory Care Oak Park

Memory Care & Assisted Living Services near Oak Park, San Diego

Alzheimers San Diego
Philanthropic Partner
In Business 16 Years
Caring Star Badge
Licensed through
Licensed through CDSS
LICENSE #374603625
Local Owned Family Facility
Local Owned
Family Facility
Stellar Care Yelp Reviews
A Place for Mom Review Score

Senior Apartments & Living Facilities Oak Park

We specialize in Alzheimer’s and Memory Care services for Oak Park residents and nearby neighborhoods and cities in San Diego and San Diego County.

Our staff approaches the physical, emotional, and social needs of the community in Oak Park, San Diego with respect and dignity.

Assisted Living Oak Park

City of Oak Park, San Diego

Oak Park was originally built for Tract housing, but is now a well-established neighborhood with plenty of San Diego’s diversity.

With peaceful and quiet streets, a supportive community, and plenty of shopping such as College Grove Shopping Center, Oak Park has all of the amenities for families and elderly alike to enjoy.

Our Services

Memory Care

Our experienced staff provides a structured environment where residents with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias can thrive with set routines.

Club Stellar

Residents who are early on in the progression of their dementia or Alzheimer’s disease may be eligible for our Club Stellar program and special rate.


Our staff prepares nutritious meals three times a day, featuring in-season fruits and vegetables, homemade soups, and diabetic options.


The Stellar Care activities staff curates tailored activities, field trips, and programs for all residents at various levels in the progression of their dementia.

Impressions from Our Facility

Stellar Care Assisted Living

Our Amenities

Studios & Community
Dementia Care Professionals
On-Site 24/7
Freshly Prepared Meals Three Times Daily
Nutritious & Delicious Snacks Throughout the Day
Housekeeping, Laundry, and Linen Service
Emergency Response System in Studios and Bathrooms
Beauty Salon and Barbershop On-Site
Television + Cable Package Included
What Our Clients Say About Us

A Memory Care Community

4518 54th Street  San Diego, CA 92115
Phone: (619) 287-2920

LICENSE #374603625

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