When you realize your elderly parent is not keeping up with life, it's probably time to consider alternative care for their senior years. Perhaps they have become more forgetful than normal, skipping meals, or forgetting to take a shower, no matter the reason they may no longer be able to live alone.
Seniors are talking about their lives. Learn everything about our resident Dr. Bill Miller at our assisted living facility in San Diego.
When you realize your elderly parent is not keeping up with life, it's probably time to consider alternative care for their senior years. Perhaps they have become more forgetful than normal, skipping meals, or forgetting to take a shower, no matter the reason they may no longer be able to live alone.
Seniors are talking about their lives. Learn everything about our resident Joe O’Rourke at our assisted living facility in San Diego.
Seniors have difficulty losing their mental faculties and often feel like they have lost their autonomy. Sometimes, their frustration turns into childish behavior, as often happens with loss of control out of frustration and limited options.
Seniors are talking about their lives. Learn everything about our resident Robert Beck at our assisted living facility in San Diego.
If you are like most family caregivers, you promised your parents years ago not to put them in a nursing home. Then reality sets in when you start caring for them day after day, year after year. But when one or both parents need more help, many adult children are put in a difficult position.
Seniors are talking about their lives. Learn everything about our resident Lois Giardino at our assisted living facility in San Diego.
A Memory Care Community
4518 54th Street • San Diego, CA 92115
Phone: (619) 287-2920
LICENSE #374603625
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