how to make assisted living feel like home

How to Make Assisted Living Feel Like Home

How to Make Assisted Living Feel Like Home

Transitioning to an assisted living facility is a big step for an elderly relative. Most seniors want to stay at home, surrounded by memories and belongings. However, when seniors’ care needs expand as they require more safety measures, help, and social engagement, familiarity is no longer a logical reason to leave them home. Following a few basic steps might help seniors relax and acclimate to their new home.

Downsize Respectfully

Start downsizing respectfully, such as keeping furniture you hate but your dad loves, like an old recliner. Moving to a smaller house is different than purging or storing stuff as it’s more permanent. However, sorting through a parent’s belongings takes time and should not be rushed more than necessary. 

Most importantly, put yourself in their shoes to help understand how hard it can be to downsize decades of memories. Accurate apartment measurements help seniors decide what to bring, what to keep, donate, or discard, and what to buy new. You can incorporate some of their possessions into their new assisted living room, store others, or pass on treasures to other relatives.

Buy New

Even if you downsized as part of your parent’s move to a new apartment, you should still buy new furniture to fill the area. Consider a piece of furniture they have always desired but never had. Shopping for new furniture for some seniors turns moving into a new adventure ready to meet their current needs.

Maximize Space

Consolidating household items is vital but may need to be done in phases to learn how to store them. Moving into assisted living does not necessitate getting rid of sentimental items. Instead, try to design the apartment without too much clutter and smart storage options like multipurpose furniture and hidden storage.

How can I make assisted living more comfortable?

Making a room in an assisted living facility is especially vital for family members who have Dementia or Alzheimer’s disease and are easily confused or unsure about their surroundings. Try to recreate their room as closely as possible to what they had at home or as close as the new space allows. Furthermore, keep their bedroom furniture or favorite chair for a sense of home. 

Familiarity is the finest method to make someone feel safe, and it will also make things easier for your loved one. Set it up so they can continue to get out of bed and retrieve clothes from their dresser directly alongside the bed if they are used to doing so. Additionally, try to place their bed the same distance to the bathroom or at least in the right direction.

Can you decorate your room in assisted living?

Yes, you can decorate your parent’s room at their new care facility. While you may not be able to make structural changes or choose a new paint color or flooring, you can decorate. Take pictures from their home and sentimental knick-knacks to bring their old life to their new life. Check with the facility beforehand to determine what changes they allow beforehand to make a plan of action.

How should you arrange furniture in assisted living?

The best way to arrange furniture in a care facility for your parents is to be mindful of their physical abilities. Find them a safe place to store and exhibit photos, books, trophies, collectibles, and other life treasures. However, avoid furniture and decorations that can limit space and potentially cause falls or hazards.

What’s the best way to decorate a room in assisted living?

If they can equip their own assisted living space, bring their favorite armchair for watching TV or reading. If space allows, let them bring their own dresser. Bringing as many mementos as possible will help smooth the move. Avoid clutter and awkward furniture placement.

Throw cushions, a quilt or blanket, and drapes can add coziness to primary living rooms. Even if they want new goods, save some of the old ones that are still usable, as mom may want her old bedding back at any time. Basically, bring the items they love the most from home to their new home.

Can decorating a senior apartment make assisted living feel like home?

A care facility can absolutely feel like home with the right decor with your parent’s style and needs in mind. Decorating using items from their old house can help them transition. These can be cherished antiques, a favorite coffee cup, a cozy quilt, or a reading chair. These little things can make your loved one more comfortable. 

Additionally, everyone wants a beautiful home that reflects their style. Neutral colors are relaxing and conventional. Paint, linens, toss pillows, blankets, and art can represent their style and make a happy home. Most seniors have sentimental accessories that can fill their new apartment with memories, such as a teapot as a planter or a picnic basket for linen storage.

How can I brighten up my loved one’s assisted living space?

The color of a room has a direct impact on how it feels. To produce a sense of peace in the bedroom, use subtler colors like light blue and avoid dark colors. Consider adding a few vividly colored accent objects to the space if you use more neutral hues when painting. Access to light helps too, so add curtains that lighten up the room and blinds if they need dark for sleep.

How can I make assisted living feel more cozy for my loved one?

Coziness comes from creature comforts. Bring blankets, pillows, back support for the bed, or a power recliner. No one wants to live in a room that looks sterilized and devoid of beauty. Bedspreads and cushions from home may be more comfortable for a loved one, especially their favorites from home. 

Curtains and rugs from the previous home can make a space feel cozier, too, while easily adding decor. Do not forget dad’s favorite pillow or bathrobe, along with their loungewear. Finally, keep their memories nearby and on display, such as photo albums or framed photos of pets, family members, and friends.

Will it take time to get used to living in an assisted living space? 

Moving to assisted living is not just changing locations. To seniors who wish to remain independent despite needing assistance, it’s a sign of weakness. A reputable facility will have a routine for new residents, but it may take them weeks or months to acclimatize and use the services. 

Your words and attitude affect their sense of belonging. Tell them this change the move does not mean accepting defeat but choosing a healthier lifestyle. Read to them about other countries and how they care and respect for their elders. 

Your senior may complain about the facility because they miss their house and freedom. Never rush them to accept and like these changes. After establishing new habits, many seniors realize assisted living increases their independence and simplifies their lives.

Are there any restrictions to decor in assisted living facilities? 

Consult a skilled staff member before decorating your room to determine what you can change. Some communities prohibit wall drilling and specify furniture and window treatments. Others may allow you to paint the wall. Some may restrict allowed electronics for safety reasons. These tips can help you construct a homey flat.

What else can I do to make my parents stay more homey? 

An often-overlooked way to make a property seem like home is the smell. Many seniors love fragrances in their homes, such as flowers, scented plugins, and diffusers. Likewise, a favorite candle or smell can help your mom feel at home if the institution allows it. 

Many people’s artwork has sentimental significance, making it valuable to move. Even if your parents did not have art in their previous home, it might be useful to hang some as it boosts mood and happiness. Finally, instead of a bedroom, make it a home. Make a sitting space that faces a window of the hall so you can see others.

Final Thoughts 

Moving to a new house, regardless of the cause for the transition, is stressful. Transitioning to an assisted living facility can be an emotional experience for new residents and their families since the change may feel like a loss of freedom. Even though this is a tough time, there are ways to make the transition easier and make the new facility feel more like home. Take a tour of Stellar Care and find out the benefits of making a new home for your parents in a safe and caring environment.

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